A rare feat achieved by the medical team of Indiana Hospital, Mangalore, led by Dr Ali Kumble, Dr. Sudeer, Dr. Sindhu and Dr. Anand when a pre-term baby of only 700 grams ,went through a stream of procedures including heart surgery, had breath a fresh lease of life after 80 days in neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital.

Perhaps this is the first time in medical history when a baby, beginning at the 27th week of gestation with less 700grams of body weight had to undergo various risky procedures including heart surgery in less than 38 weeks of gestation.

Faisal, an employee of a private company and his wife Rahamath, hailing from Kasaragod, Kerala had been married for the past 4 yrs. Their dream to have a child, after many years of waiting, ended up in a tragedy, when their first twin babies expired within few days of birth. Rahmath conceived once again and was confirmed having twins fetus. But as ill luck would have it, her labour pain started in the 6th month of pregnancy where the chances of survival are low.

The lives of the mother and babies were in danger. The patient was referred to one of the best Pediatric Centre in the city, the Indiana Hospital and Heart Institute. A team of doctors led by Dr.Ali Kumble, Chief Paediatrician, Dr.Sudheer, Neonetologist Dr.Bhavana, Gyneacologist, Dr. Anand, Cardiac Surgeon, Dr.Chethana – Cardiac Aneasthetist took up the challenge. One baby survived, and little Aysha was born through cesarian section weighing only 700 grams.

The baby, Aysha was on ventilator for 2 months with total parenteral nutrition in NICU. It was dual task for doctors to continue life support for 2 months on a 700 gms baby without breast feed fighting all complication of heart disease, infection, heart failure etc. Survival was not possible without a heart surgery for this tiny heart of less than 20 gms. Dr.Anand – Chief Cardiac Surgeon performed Heart operation successfully and Dr. Sudheer, Neonetologist managed life support continuously for 2 months.

In normal situations, the survival chances for this baby were almost nil but nurses and other para medical staffs were not ready to give up. There were also risks of some permanent defects like blindness, mental retardation etc. However, this baby overcome all the odds and managed to get a fresh lease of life. Thanks to Team Indiana.

Faisal & Rahmat, the overjoyed parents, praised the almighty for the miracle and attributed the survival of the baby to the tireless efforts of the doctors & support staff of Indiana Hospital. ‘Yet another milestone is achieved by the Indiana Hospital in the history of neonatal health’ says Dr. Yusuf A Kumble, Managing director of Indiana Hospital.